Let your data help you care better

Unlock industry insights to improve your financial performance.
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Companies that trust RAPPID

Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services
Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services
Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services
Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services
Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services
Franklin Hospital
Green Cross Heath
South Link Health Services

Proactive, not reactive: spot blow-out before it's too late

Quickly gauge your product useage trends - and spot blow out before it's too late.

Learn how well you're really doing

Compare your clinic data with other relevant clinics in NZ and understand how they are performing compared to you.

Need-to-know data. That's all

Gain an instant insight into the overall effectiveness of your business - our report analyses the 5 most important industry benchmarks and works out how your clinic is performing overall.

Who's costing you money?

Never-before-seen insight into each supplier's performance. These 5 specific measures show how well your supplier is performing.

Want more patient time?

Contact our team to get started on your Rappid journey.

  • 30-day free trial
  • Peronalized onboarding
  • Access to all features